Specialty Eye Exams
Digital Eye Strain
Digital eye strain, sometimes called computer vision syndrome, is the result of prolonged use of electronic devices like phones. It is characterized by eye discomfort and vision problems when using screens, and is often worse with increased screen time. Prolonged screen use places increased visual demand on our eyes which can result in eyestrain, headaches, blurry vision, and dry eyes. Digital eye strain can be managed with glasses optimized for the computer, improved tear film and blinking, and modifying the workspace set up.
Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in Canada. Patients with advanced glaucoma will often have tunnel vision. There are different types of glaucoma, all of which cause irreversible damage to the optic nerve. The damage to the optic nerve is usually due to high eye pressure. Glaucoma is often painless, and changes in vision aren’t noticed until advanced damage and vision loss has occurred. Regular eye exams can detect early signs of glaucoma, allowing for management and specialist referrals if needed.
Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is an aging process that causes disruption and loss of detailed central vision. It is the leading cause of blindness in North America in adults over the age of 55. There are two types of macular degeneration, dry and wet. Dry macular degeneration is the milder form, and progresses slowly over time. The wet form can develop from dry macular degeneration and is caused by leaky blood vessels under the macular. Early detection and intervention, as well as management of risk factors are important when managing macular degeneration.
Myopia Management
Myopia causes distant objects to become blurry. It typically starts in childhood and progresses until early adulthood. Myopia itself is not dangerous and is easily corrected with glasses or contact lenses. However progressing to high levels of myopia is associated with increased risk of glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, and myopic macular degeneration, all of which can be sight threatening. Myopia management is the use of glasses, contact lenses, and/or eye drops to slow the progression of myopia, and reduce the risk of sight threatening complications.
Low Vision
Low vision is a reduction in vision that makes it challenging to complete daily tasks. Low vision cannot be corrected with regular glasses or surgery, and can occur for a variety of reasons like disease or injury. While losing vision is frustrating, there are many devices available to maximize the use of remaining vision. In addition to standard magnifiers, the development of electronic magnifiers further allow patients to engage in hobbies and work activities. There are resources available to work on skills of daily living and travel and mobility instruction.
Dry Eye
Dry eye occurs when there are not enough tears being produced, or the wrong type of tears is being produced. A healthy tear film is important for good vision and comfortable eyes. Symptoms of dry eyes are irritation or grittiness, red eyes, blurry vision, watery eyes, and reduced contact lens comfort. Dry eyes can occur asymptomatically. There are many different causes of dry eyes including blepharitis, medications, lid structure, and screen use. Depending on the cause, dryness is treated with artificial tears, medications, warm compresses, and occasionally surgery.